This full moon I lay in the dark on my electric blanket on the floor, all cost and warm, with my head by the door and started up at the moon, watching her light, mesmerized by the shifting clouds. So, so nurturing🥰

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When I saw the beginning, I thought, "I know self-care. I do it all the time!" But I was enticed in to read on, and very much enjoyed the ideas and the imagery. I really love the suggestion to walk in a labyrinth. When that's not accessible, I have a wonderful, wooden, double finger labyrinth, and I am a huge fan of finger labyrinths. The Labyrinth of Birth is a great book and The Labyrinth Society is a great organization. I teach labyrinth-making classes and integrate creative writing. Looking forward to more of your writing. Thank you for encouraging us to make self-care a deeply nourishing practice.

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Thanks, Michelle! Grateful for the suggestions about labyrinths; they are such a potent tool, both in person and in our imagination or as finger labyrinths. Blessing on your writing and sharing your gifts. May we all continue to deepen our self-care; next week I talk about maintenance, and then doing hard things which is such a vital part of good self-care! Blessings

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