This has left me crying uncontrollably…I have felt really overwhelmed by the fires in my life these past weeks but I have to trust that there is a seed that has been planted that can find its way to green…thank you thank you for this offering today

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Oh sweetheart... I know, these times are so hot and fierce. May there be a surprise seed that bursts into bloom beneath your feet. Miss you. Here's to more greening and less things being burnt down!

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May 18Liked by HeatherAsh Amara

Perdita, thank you so much for your sharing on motherhood. It seems somewhat relevant to all the mothers of this little apple tree. Such a beautiful sharing, this little tree of active hope

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May 22Liked by HeatherAsh Amara

Hi, congrats and a suggestion. That little tree looks like it gets browsed regularly each year by deer. You may wish to help it along by caging it in for 5-10 years so the deer won't mow it down. Good luck with your friend!

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Thank you! So far the deer are staying away as I have a dog, but will definitely protect it once I start traveling...

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May 19Liked by HeatherAsh Amara

I am crying along with everyone here. I can relate to what you said around loss. I am healing one baby step at a time from this heart broken mess, I haven’t realised the grief I was holding. I am starting to dream again of a garden of my own. Long life to Hope 🙏🏽

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Thanks Delphine... I hadn't realized how my heart was so ossified after the fire, how grief wrings us out and dries us out in such a way we don't recognize until we start to come back to life. Sending you much love.

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May 19Liked by HeatherAsh Amara

Thanks so much for this beautiful sharing - a much needed vision of hope!

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HeatherAsh, I am crying with you - what a mighty seed this tree must have sprang from! What courage and trust they are sharing with you. can I begin to trust like this apple tree trusts? Thank you❤️🌱

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I love that we are all crying together over this little beautiful messenger of hope! I talk to her each day I'm up here, cheering her on and imagining one day eating apples from her branches. May that be so.

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May 18Liked by HeatherAsh Amara

This story of “Hope” and the lesson you share with it, is priceless. ❤️

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Gratitude Vicki... Blessings to you dear one!

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May 18Liked by HeatherAsh Amara

She looks like she is thriving. I love the apple. I am 3rd generation indigenous to Washington state. She is our pride and joy, but mostly, like your story showed so prophetically, our hope. The apple tree I mean💓

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She is! I watch each day as she unfurls a little more and drinks in the sunshine and recent rain. What a joy.

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May 18Liked by HeatherAsh Amara

Beautiful experience Thanks for sharing this

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Thanks dear one!!!

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