Jul 21, 2023Liked by HeatherAsh Amara

Beautifully stated.

Let it burn, this tendency to want to quickly make it "better".

Here's to savoring both the sweet and the bitter -the lemons and the aid, the grace.

Josephine xoxoxoxox

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Thank you Josephine, yes may we walk on the coals of our grief once it has burned fully!

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This reading has arrived at a truly perfect time in receiving during a time where I really personally need to and have sacred space for grieving. Your insight in process so far feels very helpful. Bitter lemonade is rather wonderful. Understanding the great benefit on digestion in our systems that is the blessing of bitter flavors, it feels that translates rather well to the bitter energétics as well. Allow liver and gallbladder to release their stored up heat and anger and simply grieve. Prayers for “your” land and all the long term wonder and greater depths in learning that this fire has created amidst all the hurt. Gratitudes for your shares.

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Thank you for your kind words, Charles

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Yes of course. Sharing from the heart. Seeing all of our energies flowing and moving wonderfully once more here 😊

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Fabulous writing. I have often wondered how it must feel to cope with your home and town burned to the ground. Every summer's day I smell smoke in the air, I wonder if this time it will be me. I understand the beauty in your words, let me be sad and grieve. It is part of recharging and healing too.

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Thank you, Pipp. It has been both healing and heartbreaking to go back and visit the emotions and experience of the wildfire, and also so grateful to get it into words to share. Blessings

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I am glad you can write abd share it. Victims of wildfires should be given more voice. Not just on the day the fire was extinguished.

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A profoundly important message, thank you so much HeatherAsh!

Without experiencing the wild force of grief, I'm not sure if I would have ever discovered the extraordinary depth and capabilities of this Heart 🧡 ... and still discovering!

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So beautiful, Linda. It is so true that our Heart has such depth and capacity. And grief brings it through so we can be more loving. Blessings

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Yes to all this Heather. Thank you. A phrase I say to myself is “everything worth doing has a mucky middle part”. This came from my years of intuitive process painting. The part in the middle where the painting is not working, it’s a mess, I want to quit. But the only way through is to stand with it and keep going with an open heart. And it comes together eventually in unexpected ways. But oh how the mucky middle part sucks - or worse. And can’t be avoided. Just like everything in this bittersweet life.

Thank you for that word bittersweet. One I have not thought deeply about before. YES. May we all become able to stand in the fire.

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I love that phrase: mucky middle part! Thanks for sharing. We are all artists and when we recognize that our life is our art we understand that it is going to be filled with mucky middle parts, scary beginnings, divine endings, and everything inbetween. Hugs and thanks so much for your writing as well!

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Whew! Did I need these words today, this week, this month, and the last few years! Thank you!

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You are so welcome, Clarisa!

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Thank you, HeatherAsh! <3

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Welcome dear one. Sending a hug your way, Allan.

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Amen Sister!

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Thanks so much Kate!

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So beautiful and poignant. The poem at the end brought a tear to my eye. Thank you for sharing this powerful and tender piece. ❤️🙏

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You are so welcome. Grateful to share it.... Blessings to you Laura!

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I loved the post , it made abolute sense, I found it very beautiful and inspiring, thank you for sharing with us Heather Ash!!

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Thank you so much, Anamaria!

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Powerful. ❤

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Just what I needed to hear.🙏💜

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I'm so grateful to hear that!

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This is a profoundly beautiful and important message. Thank you, HeatherAsh. xoxo

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Thank so much Toni. Blessings and love to you..

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Beautiful ❤️ Often I wonder, had we only spent more time nurturing the soil, and tending to the roots of our pain, perhaps our forest would’ve grown back after the fires across the way in the Jemez mountains. But we didn’t. And now, decades later, the forest exists in a new form. Still beautiful, but much more so resembling a desert.

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It takes so much to get things to grow in the desert, especially with all the drought. And I agree; the focus on soil and our own roots is the path forward. And being with what is needed, not what we wish was. Sending love to the Jemez mountains from the Sangre de Cristo mountains...

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Thank you for this beautiful transmission Ash. And thank you for the book from Barbara, I will have to read it as that was my experience with Breast Cancer. I was NOT going to allow ONLY positive energy, thoughts and therefore bypassing but to be with what was real.

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You are amazing, Dina, and you are so welcome about Barbara's book, it is a great other side of the whole just think positively! trope that can happen, especially with breast cancer. Glad you were able to be with your process. Love you so!

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Thank you so much Bridgit. Definitely balancing loss and hope, and may we keep taking turns holding hands and being held...

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