So delighted to hear you are on track with your self care. ☺️ Appreciated listening to this message of encouragement. I have been attempting to sit and write down my plan of “self-care” but it is still just in my head and not down on paper. I seem to keep hitting road bumps, worthy obstacles, etc. BUT, I am attempting to do little baby steps of self care until I can sit and create my real plan. The most current obstacle is that since Sunday night I have been vigilant with my mom trying to keep her out of the hospital while juggling a busy work schedule. But alas, I failed. Spent all day and night on Tuesday in the ER with her until she was admitted and got a bed. She is soon to be 91 yrs old in 2 weeks and has bad case of the flu. I’m juggling days spending them with her in the hospital and alternating going into work and on work days I stay until late in the evening with her. The strain of the flu has now created some heart issues, so I am juggling that with the doctors as well. I am trying to remember self care when I can and as best I can given the situation. Thank you for these great nuggets of gentle reminders.

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Oh honey that is a lot! When you have space you can create a more thorough plan and container; for now it is as you said little baby steps, taking breathers, finding the gaps, being gentle with yourself as you tend to your mama and work and family. know I'm sending you lots of love and may there be some ease soon... I just got back to Woodstock, grateful to be here. Big hug

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