Loved this so much, Autumn! Thank you! And thank you for taking such great care of your precious bff! What a gift you are to one another!! 💜🙏🏻💫

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My heart is so full. I don’t even know what to write here and also want to honor this reflection . Autumn - ALL THE YES Ash- Thank you for the invitation to journey with you. For all of your sweetness and generosity of spirit. For your open heart and deep wisdom. For everything… What a poignantly beautiful ride. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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This article reminds me of the movie degrees of separation. One of my sisters is an artist that lives presently in Davis, California- Judy Coates Perez. I imagine her and your friend may have crossed paths.

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Hi Beth, I do not know her, but I know of her through mixed media circles. Her website and her work are fantastic.

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