What is Out of the Fire?
Out of the Fire, born from a literal wildfire, is dedicated to having the hard and beautiful conversations surrounding challenging topics of our time.
And Out of the Fire is also about opening to the bravery and the brilliance phoenixing all around us.
photo by Tara Sol • https://tarasol.love/photography
Holding hands during the burning
What do we do when the world seems to be burning around us?
We hold hands. We show up. We take good action and make good trouble. We root in. We pray. We love. We weep. We sing to the trees. We know we are in this, together.
My intent with Out of the Fire is to dance together with the contradictions, and find meaning in the chaos. And to celebrate everything.
About Ash
As a master firewalk instructor and President of the Global Firewalking Association, the irony is not lost on me that when I found myself right on the frontlines of the destruction of climate change, it came in the form of a fire.
On April 6, 2022, my life was dramatically altered when what was supposed to be a controlled burn by the US Forest Service turned into a raging wildfire that decimated 341,000 acres and 9000 buildings, including 175 of the 180 acres of land I steward. As I sat with my grief, and sang apologies to the trees, I realized it was past time to take action in the ways I could by utilizing my voice and global reach for generating positive, impactful change in my community and around the world.
I began at home - with the people around me who had lost their homes and livelihood - by raising funds through my network and donating supplies to those in need. Thus marked the birth of something new: The Center for Creative Intent, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization I founded to offer space and education for community leaders to retreat, learn, and grow their capacity both for weathering the oncoming storms and leading their communities through the transitions and contradictions we all face.
photo by Catherine Just • https://www.catherinejust.com
I’m the author of nine books, including the bestselling Warrior Goddess Training, The Seven Secrets of Happy and Healthy Relationships with don Miguel Ruiz Jr., and the upcoming Wild, Willing, and Wise: When to Paddle, When to Rest, and When to Jump Naked into the River of Life. (July 30, 2024, St. Martin’s Essentials).
When I’m home I plant my feet in New Mexico but as a lifelong nomad I spend most of my time traveling, teaching, and writing in cafes around the world.
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