Out of the Fire
Sparks Podcast
New Moon Zoom & Clarity Meditation

Paid episode

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New Moon Zoom & Clarity Meditation

Online gathering and Virgo visioning

Blessed New Moon in Virgo!

Today’s meditation / visualization was recorded in a campground in Missouri where I am currently staying. I’m en route from Madison, Wisconsin to Sedona, Arizona and at the 1/2 mark of my two-month tour.

This New Moon is a good time to review and renew. What have you wanted to be getting to but have put off? What habits are rea…

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Out of the Fire
Sparks Podcast
How to Dance with Contradiction
🔥 Author of the bestseller Warrior Goddess Training
🔥 Firewalk Goddess and Fiery Leader
🔥 Land Steward and Lover of Trees 🔥 New book coming July 2024: Wild, Willing, and Wise