Make me a channel of disturbance
Grant the willingness to listen; Love the unlovable as well as the lovely
Dearest ones,
Where do we need to question, rather than be polite?
Where is challenging action needed, rather than remaining comfortable?
Where is a brave conversation the more powerful choice than keeping the peace?
How could we learn to love those we consider unloveable?
Today's poem reminds us: sometimes change happens, intimacy deepens, and systems transform by disturbing what is stagnant, rigid, unjust, or stuck.
Lord, make me a channel of disturbance.
Where there is apathy, let me provoke;
Where there is compliance, let me bring questioning;
Where there is silence, may I be a voice.
Where there is too much comfort and too little action, grant disruption;
Where there are doors closed and hearts locked,
Grant the willingness to listen.
When laws dictate and pain is overlooked…
When tradition speaks louder than need…
Grant that I may seek rather to do justice than to talk about it;
Disturb us, O Lord.
To be with, as well as for, the alienated;
To love the unlovable as well as the lovely;
Lord, make me a channel of disturbance.
~ unknown author
This week can you take one courageous, conscious, creative and wildly disruptive action? Share in the comments!
And a high five to those of you who are shaking up and disturbing others just by being fabulously, fully yourself as transgender, queer, audacious, artistic, or big and bold humans. Today I’m making a donation to The Trevor Project in honor of some of the ones who disturb the “norm” and challenge gender binary thinking and stereotypes.
I was a True Believer, a comfortable conformist but experiencing the Viet nam war activated me politically to “Make GOOD trouble “!
Thank you for this! I’ve vowed to build my business with a softer and more feminine approach. I refuse to believe I have to follow icky marketing models to attract clients that want my offerings. I wholeheartedly reject competition and believe there is an abundance of clients for all of us. There’s more than enough to go around!