Out of the Fire
Sparks Podcast
Blessed New Moon in Libra!

Paid episode

The full episode is only available to paid subscribers of Out of the Fire

Blessed New Moon in Libra!

Stepping towards your future self

Today’s visualization for paid subscribers is a way to connect with our future self and plant seeds for who we want to become. When we witness, with love, who we dream ourselves in the future, we can be guided forward by our inner self. Enjoy the 10- minute visualization, and set aside a bit of time after you listen to journal or draw.

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Out of the Fire
Sparks Podcast
How to Dance with Contradiction
🔥 Author of the bestseller Warrior Goddess Training
🔥 Firewalk Goddess and Fiery Leader
🔥 Land Steward and Lover of Trees 🔥 New book coming July 2024: Wild, Willing, and Wise